Sunday, August 19, 2007

Two Weeks and Counting

As I was penciling in my work schedule for the next week I realized that in 2 weeks I will be on my way to the Middle East - yikes! I'm excited for this semester, but a bit nervous. The summer has flown by and somehow the trip has crept up on me...I swear I had another month or two last time I checked.

I will be studying at Bogazici University in Istanbul for the fall and traveling throughout the region during breaks. Some potential highlights on the itinerary include: Greece, Egypt and Jordan to visit fellow Tarheels, backpacking in Romania and Bulgaria, and relaxing in Sochi with Russian friends. As an exchange student, I will be directly enrolled at the university and will take classes with other Turkish and international students. I will be all by myself for 4 1/2 months. Well, alone in a city of 15 million people. Maybe I'll pick up a new hobby, you know, like academic discipline or belly dancing.

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